where's your picture wonderwoman?
uncle jimbo
JoinedPosts by uncle jimbo
by wonderwoman77 ini was wondering how many of you engage in meditation and if so what kind?
i went to a new group today that does mindful meditation.
it comes out of a buddihist tradition.
WTS loses contribution from City, but
by Amazing incity almost gave money to society:.
kennewick, wa, my old stompping grounds, is now among many cities that give money to the watchtower convention - $6,000 in this case.
but, the state of washington, auditor's office caught them and saved them from themselves, and questioned why they were spending money this way.
uncle jimbo
thanks for the article Amazing!
from MSNBC article:
‘"The money was not going to marketing and promotion, but instead was going to rent subsidy and that's what caused the auditor to question how the money was being utilized"
and right there is the KEY to putting the lid back on the money pot. -
uncle jimbo
real funny...
has me thinking about your fat ass!!!
I bet you feel great, weighing 258 :-)
What is going on?
by gilwarrior inthe following was a letter that i wrote to myself several weeks ago.
i'm not sure what to make of this.
ok, tonight i went to my dance class.
uncle jimbo
hey fatso,
did you ever think people (especially women, shallow WHORES they are) don't like fat slobs and will ignore them. PERIOD. God, you're 258. How tall are you, if I may ask.
Shed some pounds you tubby bitch and people will NATURALLY like you. Assholes with washboard stomachs and tight butts get more tail then they can handle. Girls just naturally are REAL friendly with these guys, no matter how rude and vile they treat them. A nice guy lardass doesn't get the time of day.
Of course if you want attention, you could just bend over and split your pants, lardass. or you could take up sumo wrestling (God, how much have you ate to weigh 258. LOL)
Put down the Doritos and ding-dongs, and get your fatass onto a treadmill. Let me give you a hint how I lost 100 pounds in 1 year: Ephredrine. In ANY form. Keep taking it after the 12 week limit and build up to about 3-4 times the recommended daily dose. You have to REMIND yourself to eat on that shit.
I used to be a fat slob too. Now, I just make fun of tubby bitches. And flaunt the girls I get in their face.
stop whining. pick up all your chins and fix your situation.
JW butt of the jokes again
by JT injust to lighten things up-.
someone sent this link to me.
uncle jimbo
"the church of the wrathful jehovah"
that about sums the whole dub message up.
uncy -
Is this the year the WT Falls?
by Jim Dee inin the last 6 months the following has happened.
un involvement rocks the society.
leaks from the elders school.
uncle jimbo
No, the WT will be around in some form for a long time. They adapt (as JT pointed out). But, JT failed to mention WHY they CAN adapt.
Because the (vast) majority of brainwashed little dubbies will beleive anything "Momma" say, even if "Momma" keeps changing what she says. Even if they did a complete 180 on blood tomorrow and allowed any type of blood transfusion, 95% of dubs would be "praising Jah for the new light." And still greasing the wheels of the machine with $$$$.
100 years from now, future JW's will look upon Freddie's "unique" interpretations much like we look upon Russell's kookier ideas.
uncy -
Flood Legends "Proof" of Global Flood...
by AlanF inthe march 1, 2002 watchtower contains a couple of articles on noah's flood and the application of this legend to "our day".
thrust of the articles is first to show that the flood was a real, earthwide event, and then to scare ignorant readers into accepting the jw message by claiming that our world is about to undergo a similar divine punishment.
pretty standard fare for long time jw observers.. in the past the watchtower society has published extensive material purporting to show that a global flood occurred a few thousand years ago.
uncle jimbo
There is probably was a single event that served as the genesis for most of the flood legends (including Noah's in the Bible). But, it was probably ONLY a very, very bad local flood.
Check out:
http://www.religioustolerance.org/ev_noah.htmIt's presents a fascinating theory (backed up by solid archilogical and scientific evidence) of a catastrophic rise in the level of the Black Sea at the end of the last Ice Age (around 7500 yrs ago).
Personally, I think this explains most of what happened. Moses plagerizing (err, borrowing heavily from) the Epic of Gilgamesh explains the rest.
check out:
http://www.icr.org/pubs/imp/imp-285.htmon that page, you'll find a comparison listing that won't be in too many Watchtower's anytime soon!
Flood Legends "Proof" of Global Flood...
by AlanF inthe march 1, 2002 watchtower contains a couple of articles on noah's flood and the application of this legend to "our day".
thrust of the articles is first to show that the flood was a real, earthwide event, and then to scare ignorant readers into accepting the jw message by claiming that our world is about to undergo a similar divine punishment.
pretty standard fare for long time jw observers.. in the past the watchtower society has published extensive material purporting to show that a global flood occurred a few thousand years ago.
uncle jimbo
thanks for your analysis of the language too.
Flood Legends "Proof" of Global Flood...
by AlanF inthe march 1, 2002 watchtower contains a couple of articles on noah's flood and the application of this legend to "our day".
thrust of the articles is first to show that the flood was a real, earthwide event, and then to scare ignorant readers into accepting the jw message by claiming that our world is about to undergo a similar divine punishment.
pretty standard fare for long time jw observers.. in the past the watchtower society has published extensive material purporting to show that a global flood occurred a few thousand years ago.
uncle jimbo
Hi alan-
Right on. did you catch the matrix of flood legends in the article. They took a probably not-so random sampling of 14 flood legends and compared them across 10 different metrics (stuff like "Lengend includes a boat", "legend includes divine warning", "legend includes lots of water, etc"). So, they had a 14 x 10 element matrix. If the legend had the metric element, it got an "X", if not it was blank.
Not that many "X's" in the matrix. WT analyzed across rows (how many metrics did each legend have). But, the more interesting would have been vertical analysis of the columns.
The ONLY THING they virtually all agreed on were a lot of people died and that divine warning was given. Considering these are fairy tales from ancient, superstitious aboriginal cultures, the second item is meaningless.
None of the other ten metrics (boat involved, god pissed at wickedness, sacrifice offered, etc.) had more than 2/3 of flood legends agreeing, while most were 1/3 - 1/2.
Considering most of the metrics were things common to most aboriginal, ancient stories in general, and that the WT made the criteria for filling in the matrix elements (no source was cited, so I assume some brainiac in writing did it), you would think the matrix would have been fuller.
From Feb 2002 KM: 26,500 per year go back!
by uncle jimbo inin the feb 2002 km there is an insert for the annual spring time .
whipping to get auxillary pioneering.
march (with its five weekends).
uncle jimbo
In the Feb 2002 KM there is an insert for the annual spring time
whipping to get auxillary pioneering. March (with its FIVE weekends)
is the focus month.The "typical schedule" for auxillary pioneering they present is to go
out 8 hours on each weekend, and then "just" 10 hours the rest of the
month. It's not sweat at all to get those 50 hours in!2 paragraphs dedicated to reactivating those who left. They also
state that during the last 5 years, in the USA an average of 26,500
inactives have reactivated.So, if you think about it, the number who leave and NEVER come back must be even higher!